Optial has completed another successful software enhancement project for a Swedish bank headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, with users in Sweden, the Baltic countries, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Germany, and the United Kingdom. The bank has been using Optial to manage their risks and incidents since 2005.
A key focus of this project was to integrate Optial with the bank’s JIRA platform. The bank to be able to record and manage JIRA incidents of a certain level in JIRA and Optial simultaneously to ensure all of the relevant stake holders are kept up-to-date.
Using the Optial Web API Module, which allows secure access to Optial platform from the Clients systems, when an incident is created in JIRA and meets a specific criteria, it will also be recorded in the Optial system. The seamless integration will then keep the incident updated in Optial as it is updated in JIRA. Optial will also send an email to the relevant users with details of the incident, including details of whether the incident was initially created in Optial or Jira.
The bank team also used the project as an opportunity to add new enhancements to the system to reflect changes in their processes, including:
Updated permissions and system visibility for risk managers
The ability to nominate additional users who can see details of incidents in their area of the business and receive emails notifying them when a new incident is recorded
Removal of incident types no longer used by the business
Optial supports clients by working closely with them to understand their ongoing requirements. Optial solutions are flexible and configurable, so can be regularly updated via enhancement projects to meet the evolving needs of the both the client and the industry and regulatory frameworks in which they work.